
HECOF initiative is to create systemic change through fostering innovation in HE teaching practice and national reforms in education by developing and testing an innovative personalized, adaptive way of teaching that exploit the digital data from students’ learning activity in immersive environments and use computational analysis techniques from data science and AI.

Goal and Objectives

The HECOF initiative aims to revolutionize higher education teaching practices and education policies by creating a personalized and adaptive learning system that utilizes digital data from students’ immersive learning experiences and leverages computational analysis from data science and AI. The project will focus on the field of Chemical Engineering and involve teachers and students from two pilot universities in its design and implementation.

Additionally, HECOF will address ethical and legal concerns surrounding AI by providing recommendations on the responsible use of AI for personalized learning. By fostering the development of safe and lawful AI, HECOF will support the first priority of the Digital Education Action Plan and contribute to building a high-performing digital education ecosystem. The initiative will also help to educate educational institutions on how to maximize the benefits of digital technology for teaching and learning at all levels and across all sectors.


The HECOF Project is funded by:

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